Project funded
Project approved for funding.
Project commences
New Ireland Mangrove and Seagrass Biodiversity Conservation, Livelihoods and Blue Carbon Project formally commences.
Initial community consultation
The project team will be visiting communities in New Ireland to make initial contact to talk with people around the benefits and impacts of the mangrove and sea grass blue carbon project.
Detailed consultation
- Survey of communities about how they use the mangrove
- Survey about community decision-making
Community ranger program
Establish and recruit for the Community Ranger Program
Measure the mangroves
Establish carbon baselines for existing mangrove and seagrass beds.
Agreement on establishing conservation area
Work towards agreement between the communities on full establishment of the community conservation areas.
Develop community plan
- Reporting back the findings
- Community workshops
- Choosing how to share benefits
Develop community governance
Embed and strengthen community plan to ensure livelihoods and mangrove and seagrass conservation is supported
Build proposal
Build proposal for government or industries to pay for the carbon
Offer proposal
Find and contract governments or industry to pay for looking after the carbon in the mangroves and seagrass